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Reseller Registration Form »

Note : All Fields marked with * are compulsory.
Contact Details
Company Name: *  
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address1: *
City: *
Country: *  
State/Region/Province: *
Zip: *
Tel No.
(Country Code - Phone Number):
* . (eg 001 - 4567347890)
Fax No.
(Country Code - Fax Number):
Email *
Secondary Email    
Login Details

You are allowed to change this Username at anytime from your Interface.

Username: *
Password: * (minmum 6 characters)  
Confirm Password: *  
Finance Settings

Note: Make sure that you select both these fields with care since you cannot modify both the below currency fields once you have selected them.

Selling Currency:This will be used to display your Selling Price to your Customers and Sub-Resellers. Your Customers and Sub-Resellers will see all their transactions with you in this currency only.

Selling Currency: *  

Accounting Currency: The field below is important; it represents the currency in which you maintain your books of accounts. Our system maintains all your transactions in dual currency.

Accounting Currency: *  

I have read the Terms and Conditions , and I agree to all the terms therein.
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