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 Server Colocation >>

Server Co-location is available for local clients who need to maintain physical access to their server hardware. Colocation quotes are given on a case by case basis, call today for more information! InstaXS features two seperate, fully redundant fiber paths out of the building.

Power is delivered to the servers only after passing through power conditioning equipment and is backed up by both battery and generators. The network sits behind redundant firewalls setup in a failover array forredundant protection from DOS and DDOS attacks.

Owning our own Datacentre allows us to provide you with unmatched reliability and uptime. Not being dependant on other companies to provide us with access to the servers, reboot servers, make hardware upgrades on the fly, and fix problems before they become problems for your customers allows us to keep your sites available faster and more reliably than our co-located competitors, and without worry of being dependant on other providers in this time of instability in the communications industry.

For more information, please write to contact@instaxs.net

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